Natasha Jacobs

I have been making art for as long as I can remember. As a child my holidays involved a lot of experimentation, which led to just as much cleaning. Weekends and holidays were spent at my grandparents, more specifically, their workshop. These were the earliest art classes I had. My parents were encouraging, not only by allowing me to experiment as much as I wanted but also to keep a tidy workspace. During this time my brother and I were just creating, not knowing different styles and techniques of renowned artists, we just had fun. To my parents it was comforting knowing we are making a mess instead of being mixed up with the dangers outside.

I have always enjoyed learning new techniques and it was once I got to university that I learnt those techniques can be used as a language of their own. A language that was mastered by people from around the world, each master communicating in their own way.

Identity and direction, something every young adult has to journey through, myself being no exception. With my art I could communicate and express myself, discovering who I was and where I am going. Each idea, exploration of different media types, such as painting, sculpting, installation photography etc., I unlocked more and more of myself and I realised I wanted to share that with the world.

That is Natasha Jacobs